Boyses 12/05/13

Puzzles Sir A is super into puzzles now that he’s figured them out. He’s mastered all the 9 and 12 piece ones, the big 36 piece animal/alphabet puzzle, and will no doubt figure out the 35 piece cars puzzles I bought the other day. All easy peasy for Lord B. I think it’s time to … Continue reading

Sleep log 11/05/13

Well, at the time of the last boyses update I’d said that things weren’t improving and were possibly even getting worse. I was also stressed about naptimes because Sir A still seemed to need a long nap but it was very inconvenient providing it. This got even more important when Amazing Husband started working away from … Continue reading

Boyses 30/03/13 – sleeping, eating, and having a wah

Eating:  Lord B seems to have come out of a food/vege juice strike, much to my relief. For weeks he was having hardly any juice, and saying things like “I can’t drink it much faster, I’ll get sick”. No idea where he got that idea. Anyway, he’ll eat carrots and apples as is but I … Continue reading

Boyses 30/03/13 – brotherly love (and resulting motherly sanity)

The boyses have been playing together really well lately. As in I can actually not see them for tens of minutes at a time while they play in the sandpit or with their trains or ride their bikes or push each other around in the pram or whatever else they come up with. I’m putting … Continue reading

Day 4 of being awesome

So the reason I was wanting to change things around here was so the kids would play together again, we’d all have more fun, I’d get more stuff done, and I’d regain my sanity. Took all of 2 days. Of course it hasn’t been perfect, but today the boys spent the majority of the afternoon … Continue reading

Day 2 of better parenting take ??

Well it’s certainly not the first time I’ve turned over a new parenting leaf, but it is one that seems to be going well 😀 Day 2 of Lord B not being treated like a baby went really well. After school, Sir A woke at annoying time (as usual) and I had to feed him … Continue reading

Why we changed our minds about smacking

Summary (for those too lazy busy to read the whole thing). We’ve come to view treating symptoms (punishing) as far less effective than treating causes. We find punishment demeaning and disrespectful. Smacking a child for smacking (a common unacceptable behaviour) seems hypocritical. There’s plenty of evidence that suggests smacking causes more harm than good. There are plenty … Continue reading

Sleep log: Sir A 30/01/13

So in the last post I think I had two goals – persevere with not feeding him to sleep in the evening, and persevere with rescuing my nipple and escaping if he woke during his nap. Evenings The two evenings after the last post made me rethink that idea. Sir A was VERY sad when … Continue reading

Things I’ve learnt the hard way as a parent: Lesson two: you can’t change reality

Lesson two: you can’t change reality First aspect of reality? Lesson One. Much as we’d all love to be able to get out a user’s manual for our kids, it’s really our job to write that manual, with their help, so they can read it later on. Second aspect of reality? Perfection is impossible. This … Continue reading