School holidays: fun! (sarcasm font)

Well it’s the winter holidays. It’s cold and wet and the boys declined attending the extra week that their preschool offers, so they’re home for 2 weeks. I love them dearly, but with the demands of their little sister I can’t give them amazing amounts of attention and it’s pretty hard having things set up … Continue reading

Feed the frog

Sir A is a boy of many wonderful attributes, but a desire to put dirty clothes in the wash is not one of them. Lord B is pretty good, being a child who likes things to be in their place, but Sir A has zero interest. Perhaps he will acquire this virtue with age, or … Continue reading

Montessori at home 16/01/14 (including how to get your kids to do their own dishes)

I’ve been reading a lot about Montessori lately. I’ve also expanded the repertoire of activities or “works” in the house, and will share some of those eventually, but in the last couple of months I’ve come to realise that what’s important (particularly at home) is not having a shelf full of practical life works, but … Continue reading

Montessori at home

Nope, I haven’t started homeschooling. Sir A has just started Montessori. We started him early, at 2y8m, since Lady S is due two days after his birthday and we wanted him well settled by the time she arrived. With the summer holidays between now and then, he would only have had a couple of weeks … Continue reading

Boys’ room makeover

In preparation for the impending arrival (well, we have about 4 months to go), Sir A has been moved in with Lord B. He now sleeps through the night fairly consistently (I really must finish that draft…) and I wanted to do it as early as possible so we could get them sleeping together and … Continue reading

Boyses 12/05/13

Puzzles Sir A is super into puzzles now that he’s figured them out. He’s mastered all the 9 and 12 piece ones, the big 36 piece animal/alphabet puzzle, and will no doubt figure out the 35 piece cars puzzles I bought the other day. All easy peasy for Lord B. I think it’s time to … Continue reading

Boyses 30/03/13 – brotherly love (and resulting motherly sanity)

The boyses have been playing together really well lately. As in I can actually not see them for tens of minutes at a time while they play in the sandpit or with their trains or ride their bikes or push each other around in the pram or whatever else they come up with. I’m putting … Continue reading

A new cunning idea

At Montessori the morning tea is set out in such a way that the children can go and help themselves when they’re hungry, clean up after themselves, and also get a drink of water whenever they like. I’m sick of getting water and other things that are naturally stored too high up for the kids … Continue reading