Nut, seed, oat, garlic, rosemary crackers

Spread with cashew cheese, homemade pickle, cherry tomato from the garden, and fresh purple basil. Man I could eat that all day.

Spread with cashew cheese, homemade pickle, cherry tomato from the garden, and fresh purple basil. Man I could eat that all day.

Yes, I know the rosemary is cannabalism. I’m ok with that.

I’ve tried a few cracker recipes. These are the best ones I’ve ever made. Light, crispy, and DELICIOUS.

I made this bread a couple of times, then as mini muffins for ease of grabbing and taking/eating. But every time Sir A ate some (he loved it) it would come out the end looking exactly the same. Clearly he wasn’t benefitting at all from all the goodness.

Then I tried this cracker recipe. They were nice, but didn’t stay together very well, and the seeds weren’t soaked or ground (can’t wait till I can get a grinder!) so the boys (and even us to some extent) still wouldn’t be getting the most out of them.

Enter cunning plan. I’d made soaked crackers before (no link sorry, but they were basically sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, soaked overnight, then whizzed to paste, spread out, and baked till crispy). I would make a version of the above bread as crackers, with everything soaked overnight.

Before I give instructions on how to make these, I will mention that I avoid any sort of baking or cooking where measuring exactly is essential. I just can’t be bothered, and it takes too long. Time is of the essence with two small boys around. So I will give approximate measurements – feel free to tinker/adjust/swap ingredients. There’s no right or wrong, really. I hope.


  • 1 1/2 cups almonds
  • 3/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1 1/2 cups oats

Soak above ingredients overnight in one bowl – they can be easily rinsed – make sure there’s plenty of water as they will soak up lots.

In another bowl, soak (also overnight):

  • 1 cup combo of flaxseeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds.
  • Don’t use as much water here. It’s a good idea to just cover them, then come back a while later and add a little more (they’ll have covered themselves in a gel, then a little more later if you want to, so you have a great gel but no excess water). I only put the sesame seeds in with these cos they’re too small to rinse but I did want them soaked.

Next morning, rinse the almonds, sunflower seeds, and oats and shake out excess water. Stick in food processor and add chia/flax/sesame gel.

  • I decided to add some garlic and rosemary cos YUM, so I chopped up a miniscule garlic head I grew and a long sprig of rosemary from the garden. If my homegrown mini-garlic weren’t so hard to peel I’d have done 3 heads – equivalent to a normal head. Cos you can never have too much garlic. More rosemary would have been good too – the flavour didn’t super come through.
  • Everything should be in the food processor by now. Add some nutritional yeast (around 1tbsp) if you’d like a slight cheesy flavour (I did) and whizz the lot till it’s a paste.
Smooth out the paste onto cookie sheets - I use silicon cos I like reusable things and am not a fan of the stuff they put on wax paper. Be careful to make it as even as possible and try not to leave any holes.

Smooth out the paste onto cookie sheets – I use silicon cos I like reusable things and am not a fan of the stuff they put on wax paper. Be careful to make it as even as possible and try not to leave any holes.

Score lightly to make it easier to break them apart when they're cooked. This is a silicon square pan thing cos after two cookie sheets I had some left over. Sprinkle lightly with salt.

Score lightly to make it easier to break them apart when they’re cooked. This is a silicon square pan thing cos after two cookie sheets I had some left over. Sprinkle lightly with salt.

Thought I'd do the last bit of leftover paste as mini muffins.

Thought I’d do the last bit of leftover paste as mini muffins.

Bake at anywhere from 100-160C till lightly golden and crispy all over. If I had a dehydrator I'd do them in there, but I don't. Sniff.

Bake at anywhere from 100-160C till lightly golden and crispy all over. The thicker they are, the longer they’ll take. If I had a dehydrator I’d do them in there, but I don’t. Sniff.

Break up as well as you can. Attempt not to eat all in one go. I stupidly left them next to the computer and quite a few are gone... But at least I know they're all goodnes :)

Break up as well as you can. Attempt not to eat all in one go. I stupidly left them next to the computer and quite a few are gone… But at least I know they’re all goodnes 🙂

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