Nut cheese

The finished product. Well, it didn't lose thaaat much moisture, but I don't mind. I used red basil, parsley, and rosemary for the herbs.

The finished product. Well, it didn’t lose thaaat much moisture, but I don’t mind. I used red basil, parsley, and rosemary for the herbs.

I love cheese. Like loooooooove. Unfortunately, cheese doesn’t love me. Also, I’m strictly dairy free next time I’m pregnant in the hopes that baby number 3 is reflux free.

Now I could try making goat cheese. But that would require a supply of fresh goat’s milk. Also, Sir A wasn’t great with goat’s milk either. SO I thought I’d make some nut cheese.

1) it’s easy to get nuts

2) it’s easy to guarantee it’s raw

3) I need nuts in my diet anyway, and more since I don’t have a lot of dairy (good source of calcium and fat)

This recipe looked fairly easy, so off I went. Only I didn’t have any probiotic powder, so I used whey, which I won’t be able to when I’m strictly dairy free. I was also contemplating using kraut juice or water kefir – might try one of them next time.

When it came to the tasting bit I was rather apprehensive. It smells pretty funky. But it’s DELICIOUS. DE.LI.COUS.

(I used cashews, btw. I can get cashew pieces at my local Bin Inn for cheaper than whole cashews or almonds – lost the piece of paper with the price but it’s pretty similar to the same amount of processed, dairy-filled cream cheese from the supermarket.)

One some of this bread. Can't say the bread has changed my life, but it is yum and full of helpful stuff. And no crap.

One some of this bread. Can’t say the bread has changed my life, but it is yum and full of helpful stuff. And no crap.

4 Responses to “Nut cheese”
  1. Smokering says:

    Looks yummy! You can get bulk cashews from Gilmours too, if you plan to make it often. :p

    Beware of yeast cheese, though. We went dairy-free for a while as kids, as a futile last-ditch effort by Mother to make us sane; and I have terrible memories of a brick of rubbery, stinky, brownish flecky cheese made from brewer’s yeast. Not nutritional yeast, which is yummy; the other kind. It was vile. Do not be tempted.

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